3 Reasons to Purge Sensitive Data:
- Save Time and Money
According to Business Insider, the average cost of a single data breach is over $7 million. This includes the cost to resolve the attack, regulatory fines, legal costs, and notification costs. Purging sensitive data—personal data or business data—once or twice a year with DataShield costs way less than $7 million. Purging sensitive data saves you time, too. Your employees are busy and you didn’t hire them to wait in line for the shredder. Instead, collect documents in one of DataShield’s locked bins. We’ll pick it up and either shred it on-site or at our secure destruction center in Omaha, NE. It’s that simple. - Secure Your Office from Data Breaches
Business Insider reports more than 75% of people would move away from a company with a high record of data breaches. How can you avoid being one of those companies? Don’t leave confidential information around the office and stop trying to recycle it on your own. Instead, purge sensitive company data with a reputable data destruction company that understands and follows regulations. DataShield is exclusively AAA certified with the National Association for Information Destruction and is 100% compliant with HIPAA, FISMA, FACTA, and GLBA. This means we will properly and securely destroy your documents and data so you never have to worry about data breaches. Stop putting your company at risk and start purging your piled-up documents and data—it’s worth it. - Enjoy More Space
If you’ve ever updated the technology in your office, you know how annoying and time-consuming it can be to remove old electronics. The mountain of hard drives seems higher every day and you just don’t have time to get rid of them safely or securely. When you schedule a data purge, you don’t have to worry about any of that. Keeping a clean and organized office is essential for efficiency and security. Leaving old electronics out in the open is dangerous for your company’s secure information and it looks messy and unprofessional. Finish the project you’ve been dreading in just one day with DataShield.
How Can You Protect Your Data?
DataShield’s document and data destruction services are the perfect solution for companies of any size. Schedule a secure data purge on a day that works best for you and we’ll come right to your office! Enjoy the savings, security, and space when you use DataShield.