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Free Document Shredding & Electronics Recycling Event

Come join the City of Bellevue as we help residents raise awareness about the importance of document shredding and electronic recycling

Shredding and Recycling Event in Bellevue

This free recycling event will take place from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Southroads Technology Park along Fort Crook Road, near Childs Road in Bellevue. Residents can bring personal papers that need to be shredded for security protection and recycling. The recycling event will also include e-cycling (electronics recycling). Let us securely dispose of the confidential data that’s found on internal and external hard drives.

You can bring up to two boxes of paper, and we will also be accepting two computer towers, laptops or external hard drives per party to be securely destructed. No monitors or other electronics will be accepted.

The City of Bellevue is expanding their Green efforts to help protect the environment and keep the community growing. They urge everyone in Sarpy County to keep the landfills low by removing as much recycling from the trash on a regular basis.

DataShield is your leader in data destruction, secure paper shredding, and compliance training. We offer both plant-based and mobile shredding to businesses and residents.

Contact DataShield to Learn More About this Event

For more information about the document shredding and electronic recycling event or to schedule your business or residential data destruction or paper shredding, contact DataShield today!

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