Is your company’s data safe? Breaches of customer data today are growing in number. If you are a company who keeps records of your customers and handles credit cards, take caution. Breaches occur more often than you realize.
Learn About Data Breaches
A study by a data protection firm, Ponemon Institute, found that 85% of US organizations have experienced a data breach in 2009 (The Liability of Technology Companies for Data Breach). Breaches cost companies and organizations millions of dollars in lawsuits, fines and penalties, system repairs, and response costs. Not to mention the cost to repair a damaged reputation. Many breaches are the result of lost, stolen, or donated laptops, flash drives or discs. Some breaches are due to the improper disposal of paper records. The most common data breaches occur from hackers. When a hacker successfully accesses company or customer information is when you are most vulnerable. Laws and regulations require businesses to notify every customer who has had their information compromised, lost or stolen. Companies and organizations not only want to keep their information safe but they are required by law to do so. So what’s the best way to do this? Employ network controls, use firewalls, employee verification, and password management and perhaps most importantly proper information disposal. When hiring employees who will be working with sensitive data, make sure to use background checks and develop a policy for passwords and informational destruction. There are also different forms of liability insurance you may want to purchase. Bottom line: avoiding a data breach is critical to healthy sustainable growth.