Heathcare.gov entered the world with a bang. After initial failures with the website’s debut, users became skeptical about the services. Even worse, these data security problems deter uninsured and under-insured visitors from meeting deadlines for coverage.
Many of the initial website problems claim to be fixed, but a trail of security malfunctions still exists.
Data Security Problems on Healthcare.gov
On Monday, Dec. 2, approximately 750,000 people visited healthcare.gov, according to the White House. The website was programmed to handle 800,000 daily visits. With high traffic, information security needs to be a priority.
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., criticized the data security problems of the website. He said that the security of the site and its protection of health and income information “does not meet even the minimal standards of the private sector.”
According to NPR, an internal government memo they obtained stated that the government decided to launch the website despite security risks. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that the website was granted approval because of a plan set in place to reduce security risks.
This report caused a backlash of concerns. Data security problems escalated when the government accepted security risks that put every applicant’s personal and financial information in danger of identity theft.
David Kennedy, head of computer security consulting firm TrustedSec, expressed his concern over the under-protected site due to the insufficient protection built into the website’s structure.
Healthcare.gov requires personal information such as names, social security numbers, and medical records. Reports show that hackers have attempted to break into the website 16 different times. The hack attempts prove that there are vulnerabilities in the system, but the Obama Administration is lucky those hacks have yet to be successful.
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