It’s a common problem: We’ve got electronics we no longer want or use but we just don’t know what to do with them.
This class of waste, commonly referred to as “e-waste,” keeps growing faster than any other waste stream in industrialized countries. Computers, televisions and cell phones make up just a few of the items we replace with regularity. Our appetite for the latest version, upgraded features, and more compact sizes has a lot to do with the 40 million tons of e-waste created each year.
So what do people do with last season’s cell phone or the computer that simply won’t do what the new models do? It’s sad but true that much of the material, some with considerable toxins housed inside, will wind up in landfills. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 45 million tons of e-waste ends up in landfills every year.
Proper E-waste Disposal
The most responsible to discard of e-waste is to work with a professional electronic recycling company, like DataShield. Contact us today if you have computers, televisions, cell phones or other old electronics we can safely dispose of for you.