This March, Brian Gubbels and Matthew Neuhaus of Datashield received their Certified Secure Destruction Specialist accreditation from the National Association for Information Destruction. Gubbels and Neuhaus are the first from the Omaha area to receive the accreditation and did so with 26 other individuals from around the country.
CSDS Accreditation
Launched in 2010 “to promote and acknowledge an individual’s competency in a range of subject areas related to the secure destruction of information and the secure destruction of other items,” the NAID’s CSDS was created to set a standard of high-level understanding of data and document destruction for those in the document destruction field. The examination for the accreditation tests individuals’ knowledge of safe document destruction practices, legislation surrounding data protection, risk management, and other general questions related to the many issues pertaining to secure destruction of documents and data.
As Robert Johnson, NAID’s executive director notes, “For some organizations, the policy on information destruction amounts to a single sentence, advising employees to destroy sensitive information properly before it is discarded. In today’s social and business climate, that simply does not provide sufficient direction to employees who are dealing with many forms of media from any number of sources.”
Johnson adds, “because of the consequences of improper disposal, regulators, auditors, courts of law, the media and public sentiment are insisting on a more thorough approach to information disposal.”
The CSDS certification is just one part of this more thorough approach, as it provides customers with the assurance that the individual handling their data and documents has a clear knowledge of safe practices relating to document destruction—a critical assurance in today’s business world. As the program continues to expand, the NAID hopes that the CSDS accreditation will become the standard for individual excellence in the document destruction industry.
Gubbels and Neuhaus plan to stay current on the most up-to-date document and data destruction practices as the industry continues to grow, and are confident that their recent CSDS accreditation will contribute to Datashield’s commitment to excellence. Datashield is one of the Omaha area’s only NAID AAA certified document destruction companies, and is committed to staying at the forefront of the document destruction industry.